Former Natural Ways To Eliminate Acne

Acne is gone sometimes cause acne scars on the face. Acne scars is of course disturbing appearance. Some cases of acne and even acne scars that can not be lost in a long time.

So how to remove acne scars on the face? Some time ago Tipsehat4u ever write how to get rid of acne. Acne is gone, now just mark it. Alas acne scars is actually stuck on the face longer than the acne itself.

For those who are troubled with acne scars on the face, just calm down. Because there are some natural ingredients powerful enough to remove acne scars. Here are 4 natural ingredients to remove acne scars

1. Aloe Vera 
Aloe vera has been used from centuries for skin and hair care. Apparently aloe vera is also effective to remove acne scars. We have even had a lot of acne scar removal products with a basis of aloe vera.

2. Honey
Besides the sweet, honey is a natural antibacterial and can smooth the skin. To get rid of acne scars with honey, honey can be spread around acne scars and massage for a few minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.

3. Olive oil
No doubt, olive oil includes natural ingredients that are contained in cosmetics. Olive oil can be used to soften the skin like honey. Olive oil can reduce acne scars are attached to the face.

4. Tomatoes
Tomato is a fruit that is rich in vitamin A. Tomatoes can increase collagen production, so as to clean the skin from acne scars. How to use it fairly easily, then put tomato slices on acne scars at least two times a day.

5. Glycolic acid 
Glycolic acid is commonly found in sugar cane. Glycolic acid is applied to the skin, can help remove dead skin cells and clean the pores are clogged.

Glycolic acid is also very effective to remove acne scars. But not too much because the side effects can cause redness and irritation of the skin.

That was five powerful natural ingredients to remove acne scars. Hopefully useful. How to Eliminate Former Acne Naturally 100% Powerful